Waterproofing a bathroom is an important step in renovating or creating one since it helps prevent water damage and extends the life of the structure. Following are some of the more standard steps to take while waterproofing a bathroom:

Before beginning to waterproof a surface, make sure it is clean, dry, and free of debris, old sealant, and grime. Use a scraper to remove any old grout or sealant, then give the area a thorough cleaning with a wire brush.

For watertightness around your bathroom's sink, shower, and tub, use a high-quality silicone sealant to fill in any gaps or crevices.

Putting on a waterproof membrane: A material membrane is applied over a surface to prevent water from penetrating through. This membrane could be either a solid one or a liquid one, or a combination of the two. Apply the membrane using a brush, roller, or trowel as directed by the manufacturer.
To close the lipid bilayer: After it dries, you can use silicone sealer to ensure the membrane is completely watertight. This will prevent water from penetrating the membrane and causing damage to the membrane's edges.
After the waterproofing is complete, you may check for leaks by running the shower or bath and looking for signs of moisture infiltration. Locate the source of the water seepage and fix or replace the membrane if necessary.
Waterproofing should be done by a trained and experienced expert to guarantee it is done correctly and in accordance with all building codes and regulations. Use high-quality waterproofing products and carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations for best results.